Well it started...

with a little grain of sand
or gravel at the most
now we got this big black pearl
in our hands
it's a pebble or a stone
not the kind they'd sell at Cartier
We always thought we were unseparable
sisters not by blood but by soul
something has come between us now

den finns en låt med fröken liv marit bergman
som jag aldrig trodde skulle handla om oss
nu gör den det iallafall

människor kommer bara göra en besviken...

we never thought this could happen to us
a broken promise and a broken heart
a human mistake
but a mistake it was
and it was big enough to tear us all apart
forever doesn't live here anymore
but we would last right?
but now I'm not so sure
cause everything is changing

something has come between us now
all I can do is watch the fall...

Dagens soundtrack #2: Marit Bergman - Forever doesn't live here anymore


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- and to know me as hardly golden is to know me all wrong, they were -

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